Caminho Ao Sagrado: Diário Sobre Uma Jornada De Lourdes A Santiago De Compostela

Por que fazer o caminho?Foi a pergunta que busquei responder em um pequeno vídeo, ainda na fase pré-viagem. Lembro-me que alguns anos atrás, quando falávamos sobre realizar o...

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História Da Educação Brasileira Em Perspectivas: Intelectuais, Imprensa E Projetos Educacionais

História da educação brasileira em perspectivas: intelectuais, imprensa e projetos educacionais é fruto de algumas pesquisas desenvolvidas junto ao Grupo de História e...

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Nas Ondas Do Rap: Surfar Na Arte De Narrar

A música rap torna-se uma narrativa contemporânea, cujos atores sociais encontram-se nas grandes metrópoles e médias cidades – neste caso, Teresina. Por meio da prática...

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A Margem E O Tempo: Subjetividade, Universalidade E Ficção No Amazonas

Resultado de intensa pesquisa e de uma postura inquieta e questionadora frente a categorias frequentemente naturalizadas, o autor nos apresenta um instigante texto, em cujo cerne...

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How To Cure Acne

Acne is a term that includes clogged pores, pimples and lumps or cysts that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. It occurs mostly in teenagers between...

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Online Dating Guide For Men

The best advice I can give you is to read everything over once. If you can, do it in one sitting, then re read it again. Then, read the sections again that you are not sure about,...

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Getting Ready For The Right Relationship

Love is self help that approaches and guides you to a deeper understanding to a core notion. You can be your personal support system while creating a loving marriage with...

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Blog Your Way To The Top Of Your Home Business

Welcome to Blog Your Way To The Top Of Your Home Business Organization!Everyone knows that in order to succeed in your home based business or your MLM / Network Marketing...

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How To Generate Quick Cash In An Emergency

At least once in every person’s life comes a time when the need is great and the resources are few. It can be hard enough to make ends meet on a decent wage, but, when the times...

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Blogging Basics For Beginners

Blogging and social networking are inextricably linked in the sense that both contain certain features and certain properties of one another. Both are aimed at creating a wide...

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