Averiguei O Mistério

#69 - Unabomber



UNABOMBER. Comente sobre o episódio no https://soundcloud.com/averigueiomisterio Conte o que está achando do podcast. Envie suas críticas, sugestões e elogios para o e-mail [email protected] ou pelas redes sociais: Twitter twitter.com/AverigueioM twitter.com/Evandro_Boss Facebook www.facebook.com/averigueiomisterio Instagram www.instagram.com/averigueiomisterio Avalie o podcast no iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/br/podcast/averiguei-o-misterio/id1103395183?mt=2 Trilha: Echoes of Time - Kevin McLeod Evening of Chaos - Kevin McLeod The Escalation - Kevin McLeod Gathering Darkness - Kevin McLeod Chee Zee Caves - Kevin McLeod Giant Wyrm - Kevin McLeod Return of Lazarus - Kevin McLeod Seven March - Kevin McLeod Shadowlands 2 Bridge - Kevin McLeod Hitman - Kevin McLeod Invariance - Kevin McLeod Chase Pulse - Kevin McLeod Unrelenting - Kevin McLeod Lasting Hope - Kevin McLeod